We want to provide information to help you find the resources you may be looking for.

We provide this information in a free guide.

If you’re looking for information, our website and guide may help you learn about topics such as:

  • Home purchases
  • Alarm systems
  • Cable TV
  • And more

Table of contents

  1. Want to learn about us?
  2. Where do we get our information?
  3. Is my information protected?
  4. Why should I buy a house, instead of rent?
  5. What is the best type of mortgage for me?
  6. Can a home alarm system prevent burglaries?
  7. Which is the best alarm system?
  8. How are cable tv rates regulated?
  9. Why should you bundle services?
  10. Why do I have to pay for channels I never watch?
  11. What are the advantages of cable TV over streaming?

1. Want to learn about us?

We’re a private company that conducts research online and compiles information for you in a free guide. Our goal is to give you the information in one place – in a clear and simple way – to help you achieve your goals.

2. Where do we get our information?

Our team of writers conducts online research about topics that are important to you. We find information that’s already online, but we put it together to make things easier for you. We do the online research. We call local offices and ask questions.

Then we take the information and give it to you in a way that’s clear and easy to understand.

3. Is my information protected?

We believe in the importance of keeping your data safe. If you decide to give us your data while using our website, we use many different protections to help keep it safe. To learn more about how we protect your information, check out our Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions.

4. Why should I buy a house, instead of rent?

Homes are investments. The moment you decide to start paying, that property becomes yours. However, when you rent a house or an apartment, the money you pay is gone. Plus, when you own your home you can deduct the interest from the mortgage loan from your federal and state taxes. You can also deduct property taxes. The value of your home can also go up over the years.

5. What is the best type of mortgage for me?

There are a few types of mortgages, and before you make a choice it’s important to know about them. The most common mortgage is the fixed-rate because the amount you pay stays the same no matter what happens. The Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM), on the other hand, could have lower payments at the beginning, but that amount can go up or down depending on how the economy is doing. You can also access government mortgage programs.

6. Can a home alarm system prevent burglaries?

Definitely. Homes that have a monitored security system are 3 times less likely to be broken into. There are some alarm systems that can even find intruders before they even enter a home.

7. Which is the best alarm system?

There are different types of alarm systems, so the “best system” depends on your needs. The main systems on the market today are wired and wireless. The first requires technicians to put wires in your homes, and the second requires transmitters and batteries.

Some of the things you should keep an eye for when choosing a good alarm system are:

  • At least one motion sensor in your home.
  • A carbon monoxide sensor.
  • At least one smoke detector.
  • Perimeter protection for windows and doors.

8. How are cable TV prices set?

The rates that cable TV providers charge consumers are monitored by a local franchising authority or LFA. An LFA controls what providers charge for government and education local stations, also known as a basic tier service. However, premium channels are not regulated.

9. Why should you bundle services?

Bundling services lets you get cable, phone service and internet together in just one bill. This way, you can get all three services for a discounted price, paying less money than you would for each service on its own.

10. Why do I have to pay for channels I never watch?

In general, cable TV providers put popular and less-known cable networks in their packages. If you want to only include the most popular networks in your package, your cable bill may go up. Channel owners offer packages to cable TV providers, decreasing the cost of the most popular channels when bought with other less popular.

11. What are the advantages of cable TV over streaming?

Even though there are quite a few advantages of cable TV to streaming, the main three are:

  • Live sports: if you are a sports fan, having a cable tv subscription with live sports can definitely be a serious advantage, as can be the pregame and postgame coverage and analysis that many of the sports channels today offer. Streaming services just don’t provide this kind of service.
  • Premium individual choices: not only can you watch whatever you want, which is something streaming also offers, but you can also access hundreds of on-demand titles and new movie releases in high definition at any time.
  • Special events: if you are a movie fan and enjoy watching the Oscars or Grammys, or why not, holiday specials, cable tv channel packages offer these many more events you can enjoy. You can even order pay-per-view events like boxing or MMA matches.